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#41 Posted : Wednesday, July 13, 2022 6:11:18 PM(UTC)

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Very good points, it just depends on how far out the divergence is.

You may not have noticed, but it seems to me that their concept of "obvious legal principles" is a might subjective, sort of a collective "group think"

Thus as you get more and more historical divergence, the group think could drift to give you very different principles....

That's why I like the Abyss (in particular the Courts of Chaos). General principle, he/she who hits hardest, writes the laws, and if you want to challenge the law, just bring first aid supplies.


Actually, that's not really true, there are laws, but laws between princes, arch demons and all very feudal so that the entire structure doesn't destroy itself. So it's not anarchy and there is some consistency, but just it is very jurisdictional and often situational.

Although, thinking about it, that's also sort of what the Outer Planes and whole Tribunal/Council thing looks like too.

There's actually a LOT of discussion of this at Doom. Trying to run the most prestigious prison in the multiverse takes a lot of work to juggle various legal systems that are often in conflict with each other. I generally zone out during these discussions as I do find them a bit tedious.

Edited by user Wednesday, July 13, 2022 11:49:44 PM(UTC)  | Reason: Not specified

Offline Guruushika  
#42 Posted : Thursday, July 14, 2022 9:19:04 AM(UTC)

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Wouldn't that mean that someone on Mt. Doom is the local equivalent of a legal scholar/lawyer? Or did Orcus borrow someone? He's got a bunch of cousins and an aunt or two who are represented as being legally savvy, so he would have access, but given the Orcs/Orks relationships with lawyers and diplomats usually...

I mean with access to gravity cannons, I'd imagine a horde of lawyers descending on Mt. Doom would result in some major restructuring of legal bodies...
Offline Tizzy  
#43 Posted : Friday, July 15, 2022 2:06:47 PM(UTC)

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I would not advise using the "L" word around Mount Doom, you are likely to get flattened.

We purposefully chose to not get too involved in legal arguments, we decided to operate more as an outsourced penal system. You get too deep in those things and you find yourself lost in legal spaghetti, where the spaghetti strands are nearly infinite in length.

That being said, internally we try to judge whether the 'punishment' our client is requesting for their prisoner is fair, just and honorable. I.e. we don't like things that appear to be railroading, political punishment, etc. We tend to look at things like "are there any other options, less draconian" Is it a matter of public (multiversal) safety?

That last one is a big huge one. Are we protecting more people by locking this person or persons up. I.e. keeping them from destroying populations/planets/universes?

We also factor in the client and how much we trust their judgement.

So it's more of a moral judgement than a legal judgement on our part. We aren't doing the sentencing, that's our client. We are deciding whether to trust that sentencing and accept it and carry it out.

But also, let's be clear, we are a 'no kill' prison. This isn't so much altruistic or 'woke' on our part, it's simply that most of those we imprison can't be killed, or if they can somehow be killed, they'll just Phoenix Cycle and come back somewhere else at a later date, hell bent on vengeance.

So as you will see in Doom's Day and Tom's dreams, Tartarus is sort of a way to sweep problems under the rug for millennia.

Anyway, back to my prior point, trying to balance our philosophy with our clients legal systems and actually do our 'sales pitch' and dealing with our occasional rejections gets complicated.
Offline Reptide  
#44 Posted : Sunday, July 17, 2022 6:31:34 PM(UTC)

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This is interesting issue.Think
How exactly new inmate is bring in Tartarus? He/she have to be captured and throw in to thet infinite abys but first somebody have to get close ennogh to made catch. It simple for something like Kraken since it dont have any alies or henchman to help it, but how would it work for some god entiti.

My take is you have to get directli to target before you can make catch.
Iam wondering what happened to siblings dad avatars? Did they help jail up their god or are they jailed too or dead? What happened with god mana pool when you take out direct owner? Can archon without god take god place and control god pool?Think
When you take this posible questions then it make capturing god really hard task, best wai is get directli to target and make grap before it realize its under attack, but if target is warned and you have to batle thrue outer plane then it would be really bloody bussness and one hard to hide.

When it came about candidates its look like its kind of hard take down god. I mean siblings didnt manage to take down Bast pantheon they just take down their believers, so its look like unless you have manage suprise enemy god you most likely dont catch it or manage put it in tartarus so my guass most tartarus rezidents are gods/monsters who have very low kontakt with reality or are ennogh insane to do some stupit mistake to get captured, and thet qualifications put you in Tartarus very naturali.
I thing Tartarus is more like sanitarium for insane and extremly dangerous.
“Well, that’s hardly his fault,” Merlin replied, slightly surprised by his own almost defensive tone. “He was designed as a fire control system, and the Navy didn’t want its weapons systems to have too much imagination.”
Offline Tizzy  
#45 Posted : Sunday, July 17, 2022 10:32:23 PM(UTC)

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Originally Posted by: Reptide Go to Quoted Post
This is interesting issue.Think

I thing Tartarus is more like sanitarium for insane and extremly dangerous.

Applause Dancing
If you ask me though, the sanitarium is actually all of the Outer Planes and almost every other non-Midgard/Material plane out there!

You are correct, it's extremely difficult to catch them. We generally require/request the arrest be made by the 'court' that finds them guilty. But we can certainly provide Bounty Hunters, for a fee. A very big fee. Plus expenses.

As to what happens when a god is captured, well it's similar to the interregnum during the Phoenix Cycle. Most gods and their planes have automation mechanisms much like "super" HALOs that the avatars use. If you are in it for the long haul, and by definition, gods are, you build your pool and associated infrastructure to withstand prolonged absences. In particular, like a HALO you would set things up so that mana can still go in and out of the pool thanks to avatars.

We do know from Book III, that Atherus' plane and pool is still operational, along with the afterlife for all his worshippers. But things are sort of in a care taker mode as far as the avatars are concerned. In their case, I assume that when anything needing an actual god comes up they can also get assistance from his kids, who are, as far as anyone knows, completely innocent and just as in the dark as to where they two gods went as anyone else.

We are going to see a lot more of this as things progress and things escalate to the 'higher levels'

For example, we know that Dis went missing on Etterdam, but yet, you may note that he is listed as one of the 'gods of the grove' in the appendix on gods and pantheons (also on this site). So presumably, somebody is 'faking it' for him.

Offline Guruushika  
#46 Posted : Monday, July 18, 2022 10:38:56 AM(UTC)

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Wow, now there is a scary thought. Gastrope and Jean are currently investigating the Doom of Astlan and other things. I kind of want to see Gastrope's reaction when he finds out from a certain sorceress who is more than she appears that Dis/Rupert is a patron of the grove. Not to mention, we get to see when Jean's head will finally be forced to wrap itself around the fact that her beliefs on innate right and wrong of certain extra-planar entitities are innaccurate. I mean, the denial in her is rather strong. Tiernon could be serving her tea while dressed in a cheap maids outfit with Tommus in attendance and she'd probably still find fault.

That would be a punishment for the future. Tiernon stuck in a maids outfit for public appearances for the next 5k years.

I am just imagining the headache Trevin is going to get (good thing she has access to dwarven spirits and stronger stuff) if Rupert has to visit Atlan (and it's Doomalogue) and she realizes how incredibly complicated things have become for the elves.
Offline Tizzy  
#47 Posted : Monday, July 18, 2022 12:48:39 PM(UTC)

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Yeah, Jenn may be in for a mental breakdown or two...or...not...maybe she'll just be driven insane by her internal conflicts vs external reality, and well, then she'd fit it in just fine in the looney bin that is the Outer Planes!

Yeah Trevin is going to need a drink, getting caught in a war between gods is not a good thing, as we are told in one of those appendices in book 1.

Then trying to mediate said war?

Bwah! Hah! Hah!


Offline Guruushika  
#48 Posted : Monday, July 18, 2022 8:20:55 PM(UTC)

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As. said, Jenn may crack or get told, directly from from an indisputable source that what she had been told all her life is anti-demon propaganda. Either way a popcorn moment.

As for Trevin, she really has her work cut out for her. The elves’ actions have already set some pretty grim rules of engagement. Wholesale permanent slaughter of avatars, deicide, treason to the light, no quarter, assault upon the domains of a deity, etc.

At this point she is better off grabbing a microphone and camera/crystal ball or whatever and commenting pro wrestling style…
Offline Tizzy  
#49 Posted : Monday, July 18, 2022 11:17:29 PM(UTC)

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"A popcorn moment"

As in her head pops like a kernel! Dancing

I am fond of those two kids. Not sure which I enjoy tormenting more, Jenn or Gastrope' So much fun! I need to get back to torturing them, just been so busy with Rede, he's fun too. The three of them are very good emotional counterpoints. I should introduce them!

Elves have infuriatingly good PR teams, and charm, which is why she buys into their 'diplomacy' but behind the scenes they are ruthless monsters! Of course, I do have to respect them for that. Angel
Offline Guruushika  
#50 Posted : Tuesday, July 19, 2022 7:12:41 AM(UTC)

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True enough about the elven marketing teams. Bloody nuisance, selling themselves as champions of the light in multiple different ways, whether it is as 'Santas Little Helpers', that thing with the necromancer and your riddle loving friend, convincing Gygax that they are better than orcs... seriously. Would almost be worth it to convince Oorstemoth that the species violated some of their rules and then have them sick their lawyers on them. Considering how the elves have a habit of weaseling out of agreements and skirting the intent of said agreements, I'd imagine that would be a never ending conflict of one-ups manship.

As for Jenn, seriously, having dinner with Phaestus, Sekhmet, Tommus, Bast and Ra should be a good way to get her head in the right frame of thinking. Or give her delusions of grandeur. Either way, fun will be had.

As for Rede, that boy has suffered quite a bit more than Jenn. He was supposed to be a monster and is actively trying not to be one. He had experience with quite a few of the harsher aspects of life. I'd imagine him feeling a ton better in Mt. Doom. No one who would fear him, less issues with bloodlust, ability to find himself. It'd be like a university for someone who actually wants to learn.
Offline Tizzy  
#51 Posted : Tuesday, July 19, 2022 9:18:51 PM(UTC)

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Speaking of Santa's helper, one of the best orc holiday games I ever played was where they take elven prisoners, put them high up on a shelf and then do unspeakable things to them, until the orcs get bored and then use them for target practice, like bottles on a fence waiting to be shot! It's the famous Elf on a Shelf game!

As everyone has complained it was that whole necromancer thing that cause Doom to not follow the rules I outline above for Phoenix cycling. That was when we made all the Dooms dependent on the central Doom and the Wand of Orcus. Prior to that, the Dooms were generally independent, at least control wise (they obviously shared power as part of the power grid) If we hadn't done that the Doom network could have kept going while Orcus PC'd.

I told them, we'd probably regret it, but, who listens to me?

Rede is nice, but
Offline Guruushika  
#52 Posted : Wednesday, July 20, 2022 11:15:38 AM(UTC)

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I think you are right about the issues with Dooms, given that Phaestus is a patron of Engineers, and those guys believe in redundancy and other safeties, so it was rather surprising that there wasn't a failsafe that had been set up. Not to mention that the Rod/Wand should have a beacon attached to it that Phaestus and Volund could track.

Personally I think the Dwarven effort to make everyone believe that Elves are the size of Heartheans is hilarious. Now we just need to make people believe that actual elves are something nefarious. Convince people they are Dullahans or something. Since elves love misinformation...

I'm not going to comment on Rede's situation. Sadly, his life is probably still better in the Abyss, as opposed to spending time at his fathers mercies.
Offline Tizzy  
#53 Posted : Wednesday, July 20, 2022 8:17:39 PM(UTC)

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Rede's life is definitely better since he's spending a LOT of time with me!

One thing I have to respect about the Asgardians is that they never tried to sugar coat the elves. They seriously maligned all of jotunkind, but were (compared to everyone else) pretty honest about the evils of elves!

The problem with your plan is that, unfortunately, elves are very good at planning and coordination. It's going to be hard to convince people that the elves are all riding around with their heads cut off.

Although I've got plenty of orc and D'Orc friends who'd be more than happy to cut off elven heads.
Offline Guruushika  
#54 Posted : Thursday, July 21, 2022 7:30:39 AM(UTC)

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Ok, fine, maybe a bit much hoping for making them out to be a Dullahan, though the demonstration of a D'Orc taking off their head and putting it back in place would be fun. Maybe it would be easier to just paint them as massive rascists and the Dok'Alfar as the good guys. They already treat other races as inferior, and convincing the general populace that the regular elves are Lightelf-supremacists should be pretty easy to arrange.

'Those poor dark Elves, forced to live in the caves by their evil cousins or suffer extinction, etc.'

As for Rede, he could be technically considered a hostage so try and play nice. Not Rupert nice or hearthean hospitality nice but still...
Offline overrclocked  
#55 Posted : Thursday, July 21, 2022 1:04:44 PM(UTC)

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Pretty sure Reed is going to be trained to play a big part against the unlife. Either as an alternative to the stormlords or more PR for advertising to the unlife to pledge to work for Orkus and live a good life in the abyss lol. I'm more curious about what Oorstemoth will do once they find out the demon Tom is a god. Do they have the ego to place judgement on a god? What about the other pantheons he's allied with? Lol. And will Tom out Sam to them? It's a small part of the story but Oorstemothions are just so ridiculous. I'm really looking forward to their irrational rationalizations.
Offline Lunarmage  
#56 Posted : Thursday, July 21, 2022 2:37:21 PM(UTC)

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Originally Posted by: overrclocked Go to Quoted Post
Pretty sure Reed is going to be trained to play a big part against the unlife. Either as an alternative to the stormlords or more PR for advertising to the unlife to pledge to work for Orkus and live a good life in the abyss lol. I'm more curious about what Oorstemoth will do once they find out the demon Tom is a god. Do they have the ego to place judgement on a god? What about the other pantheons he's allied with? Lol. And will Tom out Sam to them? It's a small part of the story but Oorstemothions are just so ridiculous. I'm really looking forward to their irrational rationalizations.

I would imagine that the 'laws' that are in place for demons are vastly different than those that are for 'Gods'. Not that Tom would claim the title of God, but Oorstemoth seems very keen on making sure that the paperwork is in proper order, and a warrant for a demon can not be issued to a God.
Offline Tizzy  
#57 Posted : Thursday, July 21, 2022 6:13:39 PM(UTC)

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I am sure it will be an amazing shitload of paperwork to reclassify Tom as a god vs greater demon in Oorstemoth.

Just reclassifying him as demon prince would be a lot of work!

But of course, that seems to be how they get their rocks off.

And yes, the whole god thing and judgement and extradition from the Outer Planes is a huge question they are debating in book iv, even early on. I can't discuss "why" without spoiling some major things. But this is before knowing anything about Orcus the Olympian, it just comes up in the course of their current mission

COA:ITW should have been out by now, lazy T-A-G. If it was you'd at least have a clue what Rede's future holds. As T-A-G mentioned, Book IV before COA:ITW causes some scheduling conflicts with reality.

I can say it involves a previously unmentioned, and nearly unknown, School of Wizardry that makes perfect sense, but is not mentioned in the library because most wizards are unware of it.

For more of a hint, you might want to check out the House of Narthan and some of the odder entries in the family tree.
Offline simonr  
#58 Posted : Tuesday, July 26, 2022 12:54:10 PM(UTC)

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"Lord Hugart is also the Lord Mayor of Narthan Hold a large city-state on the coast of the Samplands of Eton."

Should this be "…the Swamplands of Eton."

Offline Tizzy  
#59 Posted : Tuesday, July 26, 2022 1:05:51 PM(UTC)

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Argh, dang Elven poachers!

Big problem in the s(w)amplands, they come in and take out all the W's!

Offline Guruushika  
#60 Posted : Wednesday, July 27, 2022 7:35:43 AM(UTC)

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Oh dear, just had a thought. If you wanted to shut down Oorstemoth, discretely seed ideas that are copyrighted by Denubian Demons (TM). The legal battles that would ensue would be epic, once the aformentioned demons get wind of it...
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