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Offline Mesmerizing Suggestion  
#1 Posted : Wednesday, August 20, 2014 4:44:43 PM(UTC)
Mesmerizing Suggestion

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What are the general misconceptions that you see in the books pertaining to demons that tizzy, boggy, antefalken, and or tom don't correct? Because I want to know what is misinformation spread from wizards ( men and women in pointy hats with no sense of right and wrong!) Brick wall And what is accurate reliable information on this forum. Besides everything tizzy says.
tizzy can't see yellow can he? Because I don't trust him, not because he is a demon, but because he is, well, Tizzy. Liar

Also is it possible to make an artificial demon via animus from dead things? If so then do wizards ( no sense of right or wrong, a blight and virus over the land, truly,) tend to summon demons on battlefields? If so might that make a larger or more powerful demon? Especially during the forming process, or do they have magic circles to prevent that? If they do then they probably don't know why they do it other than paranoia.

And on the topic of animus, is it possible to fuse mana and animus? Or does that make some kind of magic antimatter? Or are they like oil and vinegar that attract each other? Is there an equivalent of an emulsifier? So many questions, and I am waiting eagerly for book two! Applause
Offline Maou  
#2 Posted : Wednesday, August 20, 2014 8:21:16 PM(UTC)

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Making mana constructs from dead things with animus is a description of necromancy, which is a branch of wizardry which is frowned upon.
Offline Tizzy  
#3 Posted : Wednesday, August 20, 2014 10:42:46 PM(UTC)

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Necromancy is raising the dead/animating the dead, infusing the souls of the departed into old corpses or constructs.

One sort of nasty, although often tolerated heresy on this front is binding souls into magic items. In particular swords seem to be a popular choice.
golems sometimes as wel

What do you mean more reliable source than Tizzy?

Clearly, being a very ancient demon, I must be one of the most knowledgeable and renowned sources of demonic knowledge in the multiverse?.

To be honest there isn't a lot of accurate reliable information, other than me. However, the Library has texts from various scribes (some of which were in the book)

Yes, demons are often sent into battlefields.

No, can't really fuse animus and mana, but they will stick to each other. Typically, a non-corporal being is a blob of animus surrounded by a mana body.

Offline Lenamare The Great  
#4 Posted : Thursday, August 21, 2014 2:58:39 AM(UTC)
Lenamare The Great

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I find you to be somewhat confused, Mr. Suggestion.

You seem to have confused wizards with priests. Although not all priests have pointy hats. Very few wizards do, other than Trisfelt.

I understand, as an ill-informed member of the general public you may have confused the various types of mana users, priests and wizards.

Because, quite frankly other than the use of the wrong word, Wizard, you do completely get the idea of what a priest and other sorts of clerics are about.

I should also point out that you are wise to not trust anything that Tizzy creature says. Clearly a very irritating imbecile, I suspect he's been able to run around freely so much because no self respecting Demon Master could put up with his annoying blather for any significant length of time.

So, in short, let me assure you that I, Lenamare, being a truly gifted Conjuror, if I do say so myself, which I do, but then so does everyone that knows me...can provide you with any and all information you need.

I am working on some more treatises and will be posting them to the library in the coming week or so.

Rest assured this information shall indubitably satisfy your thirst for knowledge on these despicable beings.

Yours truly,

Lenamare The Great.

Edited by user Thursday, August 21, 2014 2:59:35 AM(UTC)  | Reason: Not specified

Offline Maou  
#5 Posted : Monday, August 25, 2014 12:03:52 AM(UTC)

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are demon and devils different things?

and is their a plane where people summon spirits, which are also constructed in the same way as demons, dragons, the undead, and possibly angels.
Offline Tizzy  
#6 Posted : Monday, August 25, 2014 12:49:23 AM(UTC)

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From my point of view: generally.

However, there are some religions that refer to certain Avatars of Dark Gods as being Devils. These generally reside in planes specific to that deity or pantheon.

So, I suppose, you could say that "Devils" or more often religion specific Avatars or Demons.

It just depends on the religion.

But as far as manacentric beings go, you basically have the

Dragons (Demonic Dragons)
Avatars (light and dark)

And maybe a few other oddballs.

BTW. Don't tell any of the current participants of the these books about the Djinn. Most of them don't know about djinn yet. They are much more common in the Southern Realms of Astlan. Trevin D'Vils is probably the only current character to know about them. Of course, Lenamare will say he knows all about them, but that they are generally beneath his notice (hee hee hee...that could be fun)

OK, and Exador, Bess and Ramses would know about them, and Boggy and I, oh, and Antefalken certainly.

Offline Bradyman  
#7 Posted : Saturday, November 28, 2015 7:36:37 PM(UTC)

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Is there any one besides the demons who know the truth about them? or does everybody automatically assume that they are all lying? It just seems like every demon claiming to come from somewhere else and that they weren't always a demon, would have been noticed by some scholar or scribe at some point in history. So either most of the demons lie about where they come from, or the wizards are just that paranoid about sharing their knowledge that they took any stories with them to their graves. or at least to their demon's stomachs.

Another question, since demons don't need to eat, and don't um,... have certain bodily functions that occur after eating, is any food they eat converted directly into manna or animus?

Edited by user Saturday, November 28, 2015 7:37:56 PM(UTC)  | Reason: Typo

Offline Tizzy  
#8 Posted : Saturday, November 28, 2015 10:57:07 PM(UTC)

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Well, most people summoning demons are too self-centered, egotistical and narcissistic to actually ask. So lying rarely comes up. Everyone is pretty dead set on their preconceptions of Good and Evil, so they don't think to ask.

Obviously, if a demon were to bring it up, anyone hearing it would most likely dismiss it as a trick or lie or obfuscation.

As to what other immortal types think; I have no idea. I presume that most archons/angels/avatars assume demons are sort of like themselves and got there that way. What the gods themselves know? Well, I have no idea. Some of them, obviously know what's going on. Plus they all got to be gods someway or the other, so one would presume they have at least a basic handle on the whole "mortal vs immortal" business. Particularly if they can ascend mortals to become saints and archons.

A lot of what happens when eating depends on where you are being eaten. Keep in mind that in the Abyss, disassociating matter into raw elemental forms and harvesting the mana and animus takes a lot of energy, for those that can do it.

Eating another demon or immortal type is easier to digest and takes less mana, so you get a better meal of mana and animus. But it's also much more dangerous. If you try to 'digest' the animus/lifeforce/soul of someone of near equal or greater power, you could end up getting eaten yourself...

But for example, if Lillith decides to eat someone, she's probably only going to try and eat someone that won't give her indigestion and that she can overpower, steal their mana and absorb their animus, i.e. fully consume the person's soul. And that can be tricky, sometimes some of the animus or soul can escape. Sometimes, there is enough to infect the eater and well things get rather weird.

I'm aware of a couple cases where you end up with a hybrid being, often with multiple personalities. I know of one being (or actually a couple beings) that in fact go around consuming others partially to create sort of a hive mind creature.

The matter consumed is generally re purposed by the consumer into their corporal form; this is a cheaper way of acquiring matter than pulling it from the material planes.

Not all demons can digest other living creatures though; and some only digest parts. E.g. there are soul sucking demons and mana sucking demons that leave the other parts alone and don't eat it.

And finally, eating someone on the material planes is very sloppy/messy and many times the soul and some mana escape complete absorption.

Offline Bradyman  
#9 Posted : Saturday, November 28, 2015 11:51:10 PM(UTC)

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Can Animages summon demons, and how would their process differ from normal? Since animages manipulate manna directly, how would they summon a demon, since demon summonings seem to be all about spells and pentagram designs. What would an animage that specialized in demon summoning be called, a demonimaster? ( ADHD moment- is an animage that controls the dead a necromaster?) BAck on topic, would an animage just think about which demon he wanted and create a bond to him? I can see one way that could work, if the animage was a astromaster or spatiomaster, or whatever its called, he could reach into the abyss and form a link with a demon. If this is how it works I can see how the anilords were so feared. So, how would an animage summon a demon and would he need a pentagram?
Offline Bradyman  
#10 Posted : Sunday, November 29, 2015 12:04:02 AM(UTC)

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Since wizards create demons by pulling on entities from planes so far away from theirs that they cant recognize them as human, that seems to imply that when they do whatever ceremony is used to summon new demons, they can differentiate between "humans" and "demons" in the astral plane. Since they are all, or at least mostly human in the first place, does that mean that a wizard could, if he chose to, target another wizard, turning him into a demon and a slave? This seems like something Lenamare would do if he knew about it.

Ooh, idea. Tizzy mentioned to Tom that in order to travel to low manna planes, demons would have an incubus have kids for them on that plane, so they could be summoned. This seems like a great way for demons to get revenge on their Accursed Masters, they could go to earth, which is far enough away that people from there are mistaken for demons in the astral plane, and the demons can have their kids do a new demon binding whenever a wizard goes into the astral plane.
Offline Tizzy  
#11 Posted : Sunday, November 29, 2015 5:13:27 PM(UTC)

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All of these points you raise are good, and for the most part, that's why people are scared witless of greater demons, archdemons and princes.

They can do all sorts of nasty things. Such as dominate the wizard and force him to become a warlock slave. They also have access to incubuses.

The type I through III's and the lesser IV's can't really do this. They don't have the power, or the resources (e.g. hire an incubus)

The animages that summon things are called Summoners. Summoners and some types of druids/shaman work in a similar manner to what you describe; very much like Tom does. The way Tom listens for Gastrope' or others to 'summon him' call him by name and then he opens a link through a nearby fire is pretty much the exact reverse of what a Summoner would do.

A summoner controlling a demon would have a binding on that demon, that would provide him the link to the demon, so the demon could hear him (much like Tom has) and he could use that binding (a very high level link) to compel the demon, but he, the Summoner would have to open the gateway for the demon (assuming it's a lesser demon)

The real problem Summoners have is that it's very freaking dangerous, you don't have all the protections or armor that a wizard has. The wizard will build up all these spells, ritual etc to protect himself from the demon.

Summoner's don't really have this, it is shear will power. So Summoners that summon demons typically stick to Type I, II. Something they have the power to defeat in combat. In particular something called a Will War or various things (wizards have Wizard War) which are basically sheer tests of magical strength/magical wrestling if you will.

That being said, summoners can and do use Rune Magic, if they know it. Rune Magic predates modern wizardry and is probably the oldest from of formulated magic. You see Tom learning how to use it/read it/activate it in book II.

So serious Summoners would use rune magic to construct wards of protection, much like a wizard does with the pentagrams. A summoner can in fact make a pentagram inscribed with runes. If they are smart, they will.

Of course Summoners can summon about anything. They often use Summoning to summon animals, or spirits, or the dead. Remember there was some talk about this when Edwyrd was handwaving to Maelon about how to bring back Rupert.

Shaman's do a lot of Summoning; although typically not of demons.

So back to your other point about making demons. Most humans would never even think of this because demons are elemental evil in their mind. They can distinguish humans from nearby worlds on the Astral Planes, but as the distance between planes increase the distortion grows.

Orcus was essentially creating demons out of his greatest Orc warriors upon their death. There were great ceremonies where the great warriors were linked to orcus and tattooed with various magical runes and then if and when they died, Orcus and his D'Orc Shamans would summon the warrior using the tattoo's and links to capture the soul of the warrior and drag it into the Abyss and create a D'Orc body.

Offline Bradyman  
#12 Posted : Sunday, November 29, 2015 9:04:50 PM(UTC)

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Speaking of shamans, towards the end of THH Rupert and Fer-Rog are learning skin walking and Tom had already shown some proficiency in this, when he was able to make himself into an older looking version of himself. Rupert at least is able to switch between demon, orc and human. How extreme can these changes go? Tom already has a tail that can shoot lighting, could he grow a flamethrower on his arm or something if he wanted to? OR something less extreme like an extra set of arms like Reggie or Tizzy?

Ooh, if someone is powerful enough, can they force someone else to change appearance? If so, that would be a cool way to torture wizards, he could make them look at least partially demonic, and tell them that he took their soul. Although, wizards would probably be able to undo it eventually. I would say he could do it to priests, but that would be too cruel. It would be an awesome/evil joke to play on Jenn, or, if changing someone else isn't possible, Rupert and Edwyrd could meet up with Jenn, and both show a bit of horn growing, or have vertical pupils, and let her think they have been "corrupted". Tom would NEVER do this to her, but I can see Rupert changing his eyes to freak her out, if they were about to admit to her her that they were demons.
Offline Bradyman  
#13 Posted : Sunday, November 29, 2015 9:08:35 PM(UTC)

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ABout the D'orc making process: Could Tom do something similar for Vaselle, so that if Vaselle is killed he could come back as a demon? That seems like something he might be willing to try, and he would be a good first test subject, because if he didn't come back, none of the orcs would be upset, and Tom wouldn't want them to lose faith in him, if they thought he couldn't bring them back if he promised it to them.

Edited by user Sunday, November 29, 2015 9:12:07 PM(UTC)  | Reason: Not specified

Offline Tizzy  
#14 Posted : Sunday, November 29, 2015 9:41:39 PM(UTC)

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Well, presumably it should work about the same for most any mortal creature; with a few tweaks and such. Orcs, dwarves, humans, heartheans, etc are all put together pretty similarly. Elves are stuck together differently (see library), so that would probably be much trickier.

He would have to learn to do that. I presume that since he plans to rebuild the Doompire he will want to be making more D'Orcs. No reason he couldn't do that for others that wanted it. The only problem I see is how long it takes to figure this out. Humans don't live that long, even assuming that a giant war wasn't about to sneak up and clobber everyone. So he's probably only got four or five decades to figure it out for Vaselle.

Of course this is just the assumption I am working on. We shall have to see how serious he is about the "Restoration" as the D'Orcs and Orcs are calling it. I have a suspicion not all parties agree on what a Restoration of the Doompire actually means.

Offline Bradyman  
#15 Posted : Sunday, November 29, 2015 9:56:17 PM(UTC)

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Yah, I am pretty sure that the orcs/d'orcs will be expecting to go out and start conquering. It will be fun to see how Tom deals with that, since he is just going to want to work on improving things around Mt. Doom and helping the tribes.
Offline Tizzy  
#16 Posted : Monday, November 30, 2015 3:45:45 PM(UTC)

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Yes, I am looking forward to seeing that. I love a good predicament!
Offline Dungeon Roomba  
#17 Posted : Tuesday, December 1, 2015 2:53:42 AM(UTC)
Dungeon Roomba

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He'll probably just point them to corrupt or "evil" places first. He'll probably think "I can do a better job than those bad people". That's the slippery slope Dark Overlords slide down face first on.
Gelatinous Cube
(aka Dungeon Roomba)

"Because there's always a 10x10-foot room for Jell-O"
Offline Tizzy  
#18 Posted : Tuesday, December 1, 2015 3:58:39 PM(UTC)

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You want to talk about a thankless task?

Talk to the poor demon schmucks that have to keep greasing the road to Hell! It's got a very very steep incline and so the grease tends to run down the slope so they have to keep replacing it from the top.

The problem, of course is since they are in Hell to begin with, in order to regrease the top of the slope, they have to climb up the slippery slope to the top carrying large vats of grease.

It is a never ending task.

Actually, come to think of it, a pretty good punishment for their sins. Think
Offline Dungeon Roomba  
#19 Posted : Tuesday, December 1, 2015 11:15:58 PM(UTC)
Dungeon Roomba

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Bah, it's just a punishment detail, then. If they were serious about it, they'd just get a couple of slime molds or Gelatinous Cubes to do it. Our slime doesn't hinder us too much, and our slime is just about as slippery. Our promotion council would have been all over that.
Gelatinous Cube
(aka Dungeon Roomba)

"Because there's always a 10x10-foot room for Jell-O"
Offline Tizzy  
#20 Posted : Wednesday, December 2, 2015 3:49:50 PM(UTC)

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Oooh! We could butter the ramp with gelatinous cubes!

Wait! Speak to the hand

Are you trying to trick me?

Shame on you

If we butter the slope with gelatinous cube, will there be anything left of the person going down the slope by the time they get to the bottom? wouldn't they be digested?


I think you are just looking for a free meal!
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