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Offline smw  
#1 Posted : Monday, August 25, 2014 6:49:22 AM(UTC)

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So, there is some uncertainty in the book when Talarius is scanning the "Palace of Evil" with his mirror.

He sees 4 dots of interest. He sees one green one running around and 3 blue ones. Two of the blue ones are close together and one of the blue ones is light blue, perhaps slightly turquoise.

First, the missing information: is the light one the one on its own, or is it with one of the dark blue ones?

Now onto the fun analysis. Obviously the two standing together are Ramses and Exador. We know that around this time they are conversing. The other arch demon in play is Bess so she must be the other dot. The green one of course is a Level 4 and therefore Tom. But we later see that Rupert registers as green and we know he doesn't leave the palace until later. So where is Tom? Well at this point we don't know Bess is in Astlan, so we should assume one of the blue ones is Tom.

Obviously if Tom is a blue, he is the lone one. That would make him an Archdemon. However, if the light blue one is the lone one, then it may be the mirror isn't exactly calibrated to the arbitrary human classification of demons. That would mean that he is a very very strong 4, something we already knew/suspected. However, if the dark blue was the lone one... that would be interesting. It would mean Tom outranks either Ramses or Exador at this point and is unquestionably an Archdemon.

Final question: is Tom an Archdemon at this point?
Offline Rosver  
#2 Posted : Monday, August 25, 2014 9:12:10 AM(UTC)

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The blue dots are likely to be the three archdemons: Exador, Ramses and Bess. Talarius describe the three blue dots to be close together and Tom and the Archdemons has never been close together. The dots is also not described to be moving. I couldn't think of a situation given the circumstance where Tom will be close to two Archdemons for sometime (Talarius circle the Palace several times) without any of them moving around.

Still, where is Tom in the mirror?

Edited by user Monday, August 25, 2014 10:03:20 AM(UTC)  | Reason: Not specified

Offline smw  
#3 Posted : Monday, August 25, 2014 3:48:11 PM(UTC)

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The question is why the author felt the need to say two were "especially" close. Tom could have been close and not known it. Remember that at around this time, Exador and Ramses are walking around talking to each other. Tom could have been in a hallway one floor down and Talarius could be viewing them as close on his 2D mirror.

The other option of course is that Tom is so powerful he is ultraviolet and Talarius can't see it on his mirror. I find that unlikely. I don't think he has reached god status yet.

Edited by user Monday, August 25, 2014 3:50:50 PM(UTC)  | Reason: Not specified

Offline Tizzy  
#4 Posted : Tuesday, August 26, 2014 12:49:04 AM(UTC)

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That gets my vote!
Offline Rosver  
#5 Posted : Tuesday, August 26, 2014 1:17:50 AM(UTC)

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Then at least the two of the blue dots should be moving. There are actually many variables against Tom being the third blue dot. Edwyrd is having dinner with Lenamare. He then was wondering around until he found the storeroom. Then he was exploring the palace with Gastrope. Exador is also seen rushing alone to his hidden room after being intruded by Rupert. Just check the events around those times. The likeliness of Tom and two of the three demons being close to each other in the evening for sometime is just very unlikely.

There is also the possibily that Tom is level three and would just show as a yellow dot. There could also be a possibility of the mirror having a glitch when it view new demons. There is also the possibility that Tom is a level 6, which is purple or indigo. Such color is easy to miss around hundreds of red and oranges because its hue is close to red and oranges and our eyes isn't really sensitive to that color. Talarius could just have missed it especially when his attention is focused on the green and blue dots.


What gets your vote?
Offline Tizzy  
#6 Posted : Tuesday, August 26, 2014 2:10:12 AM(UTC)

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I don't remember now.

Maybe I think Tom is so powerful that he registers as Ultraviolet or maybe even X-Ray!

Or maybe I was voting for the 2D map thing, the place has a heck of a lot of floors, I mean an insane amount.

Or wait, maybe I was voting for me as a blue one, or an X-Ray colored one

I do like the glitch and no new demons idea though.

Offline Korwin  
#7 Posted : Tuesday, August 26, 2014 3:43:19 PM(UTC)

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I always wondered about the first binding of Tom. Lenamare used an Lvl. 4 Binding spell.
But he also used an circle (multiple wizards to Combine their power)

Was the Lvl. 4 binding spell supercharged by the circle?
Offline Tizzy  
#8 Posted : Tuesday, August 26, 2014 3:52:46 PM(UTC)

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This is actually a rather good question.

It's not clear.

If you were going to summon a Greater Demon, particularly for the first time (e.g. say you found the name in a book) only a fool would go it alone.

There are couple accounts of the First Summoning as one might call it, one in Jenn's Diary and one in an instructional discussion by Lenamare or maybe Elrose that go into detail.

In particular when you read it from this perspective, different senior wizards were responsible for different aspects of the spell. For example, I believe (and I may be wrong) that Trisfelt was responsible for maintaining the Wizard Link and channeling energy from the students and other wizards.

I think Jehenna did the Astral Journey and Seeker Spells and Hortwell did the pentagrams and runes for the most part.

The big key, they were all taken by complete surprise and they had the energy of several Master Wizards and a lot of scared to death students, some of which were reasonably powerful.

So this certainly would have helped supercharge things.

TAG is reviewing the various "First Summoning Accounts" and will be posting them on the website at some point in the near future.

Offline Anskier  
#9 Posted : Tuesday, August 26, 2014 6:01:27 PM(UTC)

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I assumed Rupert was the green, some combination of Exador, Ramses, and Bess was the maybe two dark blues (IIRC he wasn't really sure how many were in that spot, also he was on a flying horse some distance away), and Tom was the light blue

Edited by user Tuesday, August 26, 2014 6:03:14 PM(UTC)  | Reason: Not specified

Offline Rosver  
#10 Posted : Thursday, August 28, 2014 7:41:22 AM(UTC)

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From what I can read, they are actually excecuting two binding spells. The first one is for a minor demon. When it turns out (or so they thought) that Tom isn't a minor demon, they excecute a binding spell for a level 4 demon. That itself could have supercharged the binding.

There is also the fact that, while they are prepared for the minor demon binding spell, they do the level 4 demon binding spell in a hurry. And as the saying goes, haste makes waste. They might actually work more on the level 4 demon binding spell than if they had done the spell properly.

Then they are also surprised and scared when Tom fight back. Surprise and fear usually cause our fight-or-flight response to kick in. These could caase the spell casters to cast more mana than neccessary for the spell and thus supercharge it.

The haste, the surprise, the two binding spells, the fear... a lot of thing actually goes wrong.

Just my theory, but that is what I get from that situation.
Offline Maou  
#11 Posted : Sunday, August 31, 2014 1:24:59 AM(UTC)

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Actually if you take Lenamare at his word he was originally planning to show his students how to bind a bound minor demon when he found Tom. He thought that with his talent he could easily bind an unbound minor demon. He was quite surprised as he had believed most of the demons already bound so new demons were quite rare.

Tom then started to struggle more as they initially reacted thus bringing up his resistance, but Lenamare was ill prepared to bind a demon. The fact that Tom comes from a magic poor world is likely the only reason he was bound as people from a world rich in magic would more strongly resist speaking their true name as Tom was at the time not quite as suspicious as he should have been. Tom could in fact be stronger than a type IV and if so it is quite likely he will grow into that role quite soon. He is already a powerful IV so it is feasible as he has yet to learn.

Not quite sure what happens though. I know demons exist on a spectrum of power, but I lack knowledge as to what occurs when they advance. I would assume that a demon that was originally red that advanced to yellow would appear different than it had. I am also quite sure that a demon bound with a spell of a lower rank than it was would grow faster than a demon in the reverse situation, but for clarification ask Tizzy as my knowledge of Astlanian demons is lacking in some areas.
Offline Tizzy  
#12 Posted : Sunday, August 31, 2014 7:40:14 PM(UTC)

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He was attempting to summon a bound demon that wasn't under his control. I.e. a previously bound demon, not currently bound to him.

He had, however been doing it in a fuller more exploratory manner, looking for "previously bound demons to capture" It was a training exercise in locating previously bound demons that you don't know the name of. I.e. demon hunting on the astral plane. He didn't expect to find anything because it's hard to find unbound, previously bound demons this way, (albeit easier than searching through books). Basically it's a fishing expedition.

The key, the Astral Journey part is the same for finding totally unbound demons, and previously bound demons.

however, low and behold, they found a completely unbound demon. These demons are all from distant planes where the laws of magic operate very differently, or don't work well. The Astlanian spells and magic are such that any higher powered sentients from these distant planes appear similar, colored balls of light, animus and mana. For whatever reason, the Astlanian's don't recognize these as humans/elves/etc, which they do for the planes closer to them.

I some ways, you could say these beings from the far end of the universe have been redshifted (not literally Rosver--but something similar) to the point the Astlanians don't recognize them as people. From experience/training/history, they interpret these beings as demons that can be bound.

Typically, most of these beings, when found, which isn't very often, are sprites, imps or shadows, occasionally a fiend and very rarely a major demon. Almost never would you find a greater demon, although it has happened. Theoretically, you might find a Major Demon, but no one has ever located and bound one. Presumably, the wizard(s) ends up dead in such a situation. And usually end up dead with a Greater Demon; unless they are planning to look for a Greater Demon and are thus super prepared.

Jenn discusses what happened in more detail in her diary, which will at some point make it to the website.
Offline Rosver  
#13 Posted : Monday, September 1, 2014 7:41:26 AM(UTC)

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Is that what happen?

I thought that when they thought that it was a unbound minor demon, they try to bind it, but then it turned out to be something else and they change tactics. The wizards has taken his name and is calling for him to submit. I thought that was part of the binding and when Tom fought them they make a change of the spell. Guess I was wrong.

Looking forward for Jenn's diary entry so I can really make sense of what happen there.
Offline Tizzy  
#14 Posted : Monday, September 1, 2014 7:28:59 PM(UTC)

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Yes, although it's a fairly minor difference of a few words, and the confusion over never bound, unbound, bound...I wish the terms were clearer, but it's the wizard's fault.

What they thought was that it was a "minor never bound demon"

If it had ever been previously bound, they would have recognized it as a demon and have been able to get a better handle on it's power level and if it was currently bound to someone (with a bit more work, Lenamare would have shown them how to see the binding and see if it was frayed or still connected to a master: like in the bar in the courts).

So anyway, what they thought they saw was what appeared to be a minor never bound demon. And so they adjusted tactics to get that, and then it fought back harder than expected and they had to seriously up their game and the level of the spells they were using.
Offline Rosver  
#15 Posted : Monday, September 1, 2014 10:32:54 PM(UTC)

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Is that what Lenamare is really trying to do? Would have been interesting.

That was what I thought. They changed the spell, multiple times. That should have a side effect. All those different mana overlaying on each other.
Offline Tizzy  
#16 Posted : Monday, September 1, 2014 10:51:59 PM(UTC)

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Yes, this is why he was feeling the heat from Jehenna in Chapter 2. They got lucky on a lot of different levels.
Offline The Deposed King  
#17 Posted : Thursday, October 2, 2014 11:54:09 PM(UTC)
The Deposed King

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Oh hey guys, per Langland's request over on the discussion thread

I am reposting my comment from over there on the power levels etc:


I think Rupert was the Bright Green light wandering around the Wizard Council Palace that the Knight Rampant saw, and I base this upon the fact that right after they truth talked the boy yet before they axed him the Knight used the mirror spell and we saw a green glow illuminate the Knight's face.

That means to me the most likely possibility for Tom's colors are the Light Blue with Turquoise streaks. I do admit that the light blue with highlights could have been the girl arch-demon, as she was decidedly less powerful when it came to resisting the demon repulsion spell than the other two male Archies. But....

Also I have a theory as to why Rupert looks so much like Tom, which also kind of links into his power level. Rupert is a born half-demon who of his own admission grew tails and horns etc, but never 'manifested' his full form until 'after' he met his father. No wizard cut his tether and soul bound him with a level four or level three containment spell. Yet he's got the distinctive appearance of a small level four. I maintain that since how a 'demon' looks and his body is the 'half-wizard' pre-conception and half the new demon's preconception that in our little guy's case. He did the lions share of the imagining and once he saw Tom the first good strong non-evil demonic role model he'd encountered he took on a decidedly similar appearance. He also thought Tom was a level four. Is it any co-inky-dink that his first full demonic manifestation is almost an exact replica of his 'father' and is it also a co-inky-dink that he comes in solidly at the same power level as his 'father'.

I would maintain that his 'real' demonic father's power level as well as his own magical training likely effected his power level but if belief is half the battle here then Rupert's similarity to Tom/Dad is a self-fullfilling prophesy.

Now I could be all wet and all 'good' fourth level demons look the same but if its mind over matter.... I mean just look at what he was doing with his consciously controlled morphing of his human body. how much does the unconscious factor come into play.

The Deposed King
Offline Flakes  
#18 Posted : Friday, October 3, 2014 4:53:43 AM(UTC)

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While I too think that rupert was the green, I'm not entirely convinced that any of the three blues were tom. Remember the Rod said there were 3 archdemons and at least one 4th. At least implies potentially more than 1.

As for Rupert, he could be:

1) time travel spawn. Tom goes back in time and has sex or tom has sex and his partner goes back in time.
2) time travelled tom. In order to muddy his true name tom goes back in time, takes the form of rupert, enrolls in the magic school...
3) multi dimensional father. It has been said that demons visit other dimensions and have children there to have a mana source. Tom & rupert could have had the same father, who was simply spreading his inter-universal seed. i.e. Tom was already a demon on earth, he just didn't know it.
4) role model. Rupert could be just emulating the only role model he's known.
5) spontaneous generation. Something weird could have happened during tom's binding, and a fully formed rupert could have split off and sontaneously formed in everbody's head
6) spontaneous generation. Something weird could have happened during Ruperts childhood causing tom to shape himself into Rupert when he was bound.
Offline Rosver  
#19 Posted : Friday, October 3, 2014 5:02:37 AM(UTC)

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We had been discusing about the lights too. To me, Tom was not one of the blue lights.

There many possible explanation for Rupert. Personaly for me, I just want it not explained.

Edited by user Friday, October 3, 2014 5:05:18 AM(UTC)  | Reason: Not specified

Offline The Author Guy  
#20 Posted : Friday, October 3, 2014 8:42:57 PM(UTC)
The Author Guy

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Something like Flakes' #2 actually happened with a wizard in a D&D campaign I ran continuously during college and sporadically after that.

Except it was the character's wizard's apprentice who went back in time and became the wizard, the wizard character had started later in the campaign and just showed up at 7th level, so the tale of how he got to 7th level was told later in the campaign when the older version was 20+ level. Of course, no one knew (including me) that the apprentice (his second, the first one fell down a sphere of annihilation) would end up travelling back in time and becoming the wizard until he ended up time traveling rather by accident, and happened to be 7th level, and while back in time, ran into the party and joined them.

Thereafter he was known as Mooo, the Mobius Magi of Might (like a Mobius strip) (of course by this point the wizard was actually a crown with his soul in a jewel, and he'd spent a good deal of time possessing his apprentice---so this might have something to do with it also)

However, back to the story. I've promised no time travel in public spaces....or at least none to solve the Rupert conundrum.
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