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Offline Kuryuu  
#1 Posted : Saturday, May 24, 2014 8:20:13 PM(UTC)

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This may have already been discussed elsewhere, but seeing as how I'm lazy Whistle I'll just create a new topic. I'm not looking for a date, I'm just wondering if the next book will be out sometime this year, or next year? Just tell me you're not going to be truly evil and pull a George R.R. Martin on us. Pray
Offline Tizzy  
#2 Posted : Saturday, May 24, 2014 11:08:41 PM(UTC)

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As author guy may have mentioned somewhere...

The first book took enough time to make George RR Martin impatient (if he'd been reading it)....I don't know when Martin started GOT, but I know when I started dictating the story to the lazy author and when GoT was released....and let's just say that Bran had not yet been born and probably the same for Joffrey....

However, the author claims he's going to have the second book done this year...he's shooting for the end of the year...

I'm hoping he keeps his word, because I can only start collecting payment once the book is published and it draws new users to this site, where I can collect their souls via their email addresses...

Offline Kuryuu  
#3 Posted : Sunday, May 25, 2014 2:32:54 AM(UTC)

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Good to know. By the way, you're like 87th in line to collect my soul via email, so it's going to be one hell of a wait.
Offline castleguard  
#4 Posted : Sunday, May 25, 2014 6:00:01 AM(UTC)

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Ouch does that mean your going to be split 87 ways?
Offline Tizzy  
#5 Posted : Sunday, May 25, 2014 9:38:38 PM(UTC)

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This would make him a very interesting test subject for the true name question

Of course, I expect it will probably hurt to get your soul split 87 times.

Offline Kuryuu  
#6 Posted : Sunday, May 25, 2014 10:25:30 PM(UTC)

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Actually, I believe this is a case of "Buyer Beware". It's amazing that the soul market still operates on "buy now, pay later". It's not my fault if entities don't check whether a person is still legally in possession of their soul before acceding to a deal. Angel As such, for soul claimants 2 through 87, sucks to be you. Boo hoo!
Offline Tizzy  
#7 Posted : Sunday, May 25, 2014 10:30:02 PM(UTC)

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Well, I'm raising a Demon Army to help me claim what's mine.

Plus, as you know, Tom is my best friend (after Boggy of course) and he's pretty kick ass so I'm thinking other soulholders might want to rethink their position.

But I tell you what, no need to fight...let's just get all the soulholders together in a room to discuss this, I'll bring a few extra pipes and we'll enjoy a nice relaxing "peace pipe" sort of it all out, nice and diplomatic like.

Offline Kuryuu  
#8 Posted : Monday, May 26, 2014 12:52:55 AM(UTC)

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Good luck with that. My first deal was 8,000 years ago with Old Nick himself for immortality. My times up when the sun expands and swallows the Earth, and not a minute sooner. Dancing

Later if I can manage to get off this rock.

(All soul claiments= Brick wall )
Offline Tizzy  
#9 Posted : Monday, May 26, 2014 4:48:22 PM(UTC)

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Well...this may take some work, I've never arranged a supernova before, but...

Actually, your soul technically is immortal already (unless eaten by a C.o.D. or similar) so the deal with Nick was for your body to be immortal.

Now if only there was someway to separate your soul from your body...I could then take your soul and your body would continue to live (may need some astral life support) Whistle then your deal with Nick would be in place for another couple billion years and I'd have your soul in the meantime.

I'm thinking I'd be OK, to let you out of the contract after a billion years, so then you could go to Nick when the supernova goes off.

See, it's called deal making/negotiating....

You see, we demons, Nick included, are very flexible in terms of working with contracts.


Offline Kuryuu  
#10 Posted : Wednesday, May 28, 2014 9:29:50 PM(UTC)

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You're welcome to try, but unless you've got it in good with the Big Guy Upstairs you're not going to be able to do a magically forced ejection on this Plane. And I know how to spot the "imported" substances that could otherwise separate the soul from the body. Besides, I don't think you want me telling Tom who sold Reggie the "demon" weed, now would you? Whistle ..... Shhh
Offline Tizzy  
#11 Posted : Thursday, May 29, 2014 1:32:55 AM(UTC)

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Who's he going to believe, you or his bestest buddy in the whole world! Sweet, innocent, friendly little me?

Besides, how would a Type II who needs a ride to get to and from Astlan, ever get to Earth? (please ignore the fact that I am posting at you)

Obviously you can avoid the smokey stuff, but you might want to adopt a police dog to sniff your baked goods!

They don't call it Devil's Food Cake for nothing!

Oooh...that's really a great recruiting tool!

Tizzy's Cupcakes, 100% Devil's Food Cake!
Offline Lucifer  
#12 Posted : Tuesday, June 10, 2014 2:59:41 AM(UTC)

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You guys are hilarious

Edited by user Tuesday, June 10, 2014 3:02:04 AM(UTC)  | Reason: Not specified

Offline Tizzy  
#13 Posted : Wednesday, June 11, 2014 9:00:18 PM(UTC)

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I hope you are not laughing at our various serious discussions on matters of life, death and eternal torment.

Eternity is a very serious matter, as is the lack of eternity caused by True Death.

Offline Kuryuu  
#14 Posted : Thursday, June 12, 2014 11:28:15 PM(UTC)

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A couple things. First, it's BECAUSE he knows you that Tom will probably believe it. Second, I've made it 8,000 years on a deal for immortality with Old Nick, which means I'm possibly the most paranoid entity in existence.Anxious That guy makes a living coming up with new meanings for "Fate Worse than Death". Thus his famous "Escape Clause". Almost got me in Pompeii too, a few decades trapped under magma and ash might have made that escape clause look tempting.

By the way, I'm blaming the 800 or so stoned/comatose people who visited my local bakery on you.Shame on you You may not notice it (considering where you keep that pipe), but your "special blend" has a distinctive odor. Nice try though.

And on another note, I hereby laugh at our serious discussions on matters of life, death, and eternal torment. Hey nani nani and a ho ho hoo. Dancing
Offline Lucifer  
#15 Posted : Friday, June 13, 2014 1:06:19 AM(UTC)

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:( I was laughing first you immortal bastard, even if you were technically born before I was! Also, if you guys don't mind selling your soul a second or(97th time or so) I've got free chocolate!Drool And yes, the free is a misnomer because all you have to do to get it is give me your eternal soul which I will then sell to your original contractors for more chocolate.Think I'm sensing a never-ending cycle here...oh well, it's chocolate. Your eternal souls are definitely worth me getting more of it. Now fork them over or SUFFER!!!! Dancing
Offline Tizzy  
#16 Posted : Friday, June 13, 2014 2:42:26 AM(UTC)

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Chocolate is pretty lame once you've had Denubian Choco-Coffee(TM) that stuff leaves everything else in the dust....

I was just having Tea with Nick. He's one of my best customers for "herbal remedies" It's going to be complex, but we'll probably be able to come to an agreement. It may take a few centuries, so we may have to put you on "ice" or in Limbo for a while.

Here, have a cup of DCC(TM)...

Drink it while it's hot!

And btw, since I'm a demon already, I can't fork over my soul, because my immortal soul is me....I'm just a soul with a mana shield with some "dirt" stuck to it.

Offline Korwin  
#17 Posted : Wednesday, July 16, 2014 5:12:21 AM(UTC)

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Originally Posted by: Tizzy Go to Quoted Post

And btw, since I'm a demon already, I can't fork over my soul, because my immortal soul is me....I'm just a soul with a mana shield with some "dirt" stuck to it.
Hmm, could an necromancer eat/consume your (a demons) soul/animus?
Offline Finaltheorem47  
#18 Posted : Wednesday, July 16, 2014 6:21:02 AM(UTC)

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Eating Animus isn't like eating Mana I believe. Mana is universal like refined gasoline while Animus is unique consciousness (like every consciousness vibrates at a unique frequency). The more Animus you "eat" the more the foreign personality mixes with your own... no? Even if you only eat like a small amount... You'd be fundamentally changing your identity. The being that you were before would cease to exist. Hmmm I suppose that would change your True Name too... Maybe that's the secret...

And yes I realize how pretty much every one of the topics on this forum have gone off on a tangent like the Amazon thread... must be Tizzy's fault. This post has nothing to do with the next book time frame lol.

Edited by user Wednesday, July 16, 2014 6:40:43 AM(UTC)  | Reason: Not specified

Offline Korwin  
#19 Posted : Wednesday, July 16, 2014 7:56:30 AM(UTC)

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Originally Posted by: Finaltheorem47 Go to Quoted Post
Eating Animus isn't like eating Mana I believe.

I'm pretty shure we have Word of Tizzy that Vampires eat Animus and that there are Necromancy spells wo are able to do that too.
Offline Maou  
#20 Posted : Wednesday, July 16, 2014 11:17:38 PM(UTC)

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People gather animus from experience and even when consuming external animus their basic personality as intact as their body allows. So an individual personality likely has some form of core, or soul which all the other animus then clings to. I mostly think this is the case as all the elements have various forms. Fire also has electricity and seems to encompass energy, Air seems to be gases and voids, Water holds sway over liquids, and Earth holds sway over solid.

All other associated magics with these elements are likely powered in part by belief unless used as a medium. This leads one to conclude that element of Man is composed of various different sub-elements. I am not entirely sure what they would be, but the most basic and simple would be animus, sentience/conscience, spirit, and soul. Man draws mana to itself and then uses the mana to draw in the other elements. I don't know why, but the the elements seem to mostly stick to themselves unless mana is us present. From what I have read mana is needed to allow interaction between the elements and is needed as a glue between them. Not sure exactly what it is.

Higher mana levels just allows for more interaction between the elements. Animus draws mana and it is harder, but possible to do the reverse. Pure elemental planes likely have no mana as it appears between two. Any plane with two or more elements needs some mana. Not sure what determines how much mana is present, but from the discussion between demons in the first novel it seems that most realities have little mana now. I like to think that this means that the mana concentrates around a certain something, or it is being drawn somewhere.

Their is likely a finite amount of whatever the elements and mana are composed of to power the realities. This means that eventually, some realities will collapse. My guess is that low mana realities might be less important realities. I believe it was mentioned that minor differences were simply lost and consolidated to prevent infinite realities in this universe. Then it stands to reason that some of the realities which continued might go on for some time before they to dissolved as it were. Our theories state that our universe will eventually not have enough energy to sustain itself, so higher mana level might allow a reality to persist for a longer period of time. Thus the low mana realities might be doomed realities. We are off topic, but I just gave you a lot to be distracted by, so feel free to elaborate as you choose.

Edited by user Thursday, July 17, 2014 4:40:30 PM(UTC)  | Reason: Not specified

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